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21.08.2017 (15:47)

На Черноморском флоте проходит зачетное тактическое учение с группировкой разнородных ударных сил

Today, according to the combat training plan for the Black Sea Fleet warships, the all-arms force has started the control tactical exercise.

During the exercise, the Ivan Golubets and Kovrovets ocean minesweepers have ensured convoy control measures for ASW ships and missile boats as well as a submarine while leaving the base.

The Navy troops are training in air and anti-submarine defense as well as missile and artillery firing.

Up to 20 warships and auxiliary vessels as well as fighter and ASW aviation of Fleet will be involved in different stages of the exercise. 

Пресс-служба Южного военного округа
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Военно-Морской Флот , Черноморский флот , Южный военный округ
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